Fremont County Seat
Canon City
zip 81212

Fremont County Clerk
615 Macon Avenue
Canon City,CO 81212
(719) 276-7330 {updated as of 1/6/2001}

Earliest birth and death records on file in Fremont County:

Canon City 1885-1908
Florence 1874-1908

County Vital Records Offices:

Fremont(Canon City)(719) 275-1556
Fremont (Florence) (719) 784-3635

Certified copies of all Colorado births from years 1948 to present are available at the following county departments for $15.00:

Fremont County Local Registrar:


Florence (719) 784-3635  
Canon City (719) 275-1556

To obtain Colorado birth and death certificates {$15.00} and marriage and divorce verifications in person Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. visit the Vital Records Office:

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80246-1530
Recorded message: (303) 756-4464
Phone request: (303) 692-2224
Fax: (800) 423-1108

To order by phone call: (303) 692-2224
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For persons born in foreign countries who are U.S. citizens at birth (children born overseas to American citizens): call (202) 955-0307, (202) 955-0308 or see the US Department of State website.

Make check or money order payable to Colorado Department of Health. If you fax your order or telephone it, you must use your Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express card. There will be an additional convenience charge of $5.00 billed to your charge card for the fax or telephone service.