Seaman First Class David Robert "Bob" Clark

Sm1 Bob Clark

World War II

US Navy
U.S.S. Cape Esperance (CVE-88)
Service Number:
Born: August 7, 1925
Inducted: December 8, 1943
Died: August 1, 1944 in plane crash off the coast of San Diego, California
Buried: Kirk Cemetery, block 1, lot 41, Kirk

Son of Harry and Louise Clark of Kirk.

David Clark Stone Front

David Clark Stone Back

Yuma Pioneer August 10, 1944

Kirk Soldier Killed in Training in California

The Kirk community was shocked and grieved when a message was received by H.K. Clark, banker at Kirk, informing him that his youngest son, Bob, had been killed in an airplane crash in California on August 2.

Bob was serving in the Navy and was receiving radar training. He has three brothers in the armed forces and a fourth who has recently been given an honorable discharge because of ill health. Bob was born and reared at Kirk and was loved by all who knew him. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon.

The above information was furnished by our Kirk correspondent and as we go to press no further details are available.

Wray Gazette August 10, 1944

David Robert Clark, seaman first class, was killed Thursday of last week in an airplane accident at San Diego, California. He was a son of H.K. Clark, Kirk Banker, and would have been 19 years old on Monday following his death. He entered the United States Navy on December 8, 1943. Funeral, military services and burial were at Kirk yesterday afternoon.

Wray Rattler August 10, 1944

Robert Clark Killed in Plane Accident

Funeral services were held Wednesday, August 9 at Kirk, Colo., for Robert Clark, son of Harry Clark. According to reports the deceased had recently returned from a trip to the Marshal Islands with a naval unit and met his death in an airplane accident in California a few days ago. Robert entered the navy in the latter part of 1943.

Yuma Pioneer Aug. 17, 1944
Kirk Correspondent Mrs. Muriel Davis

The funeral services for David Robert Clark were held Wednesday afternoon, August 9 at 2 o'clock in the gymnasium of the Kirk schoolhouse. A male quartet composed of Arthur Heinrichs, Herman Warkentine, Henry Fadenrecht and Tyson McLean sang Anchors Away, In the Garden and Jesus Savior Pilot Me. Rev. Ronald Weins of Joes lead in prayer and Rev. Nichols, Presbyterian minister of Yuma, delivered the sermon. Pall bearers were Charles Gully, Gene Doddridge, Dale Davis, Orval Gurss, Granville Hutton, Jr., and John McLean. Members of the American Legion in Yuma had charge at the Kirk Cemetery, where interment was made. To know Bob was to love him. He was always cheerful and had a smile and a word for everyone from the youngest to the oldest.

Note (provided by family):

David Robert (Bob) Clark, was born August 7, 1925 at Kirk, Colorado to Harry K. and Louise (Gray) Clark. Bob attended grade and high school in Kirk, graduating May 1943. He then went to Colorado State College at Fort Collins. He volunteered for the US Navy in December 1943. He took basic training at Farragut, Idaho and later was assigned to the USS Cape Esperance as a Radarman striker. He made one cruise to the South Pacific and on their return he was killed in a plane crash, at sea, off the coast of San Diego on August 1, 1944, six days before his nineteenth birthday.

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