Yuma County, Colorado

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Yuma County Pioneers

Andrew F. Rosenberger

Andrew cash-claimed a quarter in 19, 3N 48W in 1890, near a number of other 1890-1891 cash claimants.
He timber-claimed a quarter in 18 in 1896, and had a record of a homestead entry in that township, but the homestead wasn't completed.

In 1902 the Empire Ranch and Cattle Company sued Andrew, Thomas D. Moffett, and D. V. Spencer for title to that quarter.

Andrew F. Roserberger 1870-1956 is buried in Jackson County, Illinois # 106229014, with Lula A. 87-1957.
"Andrew Rosenberger, 86, died at the Jackson County Nursing Home September 26 following a stroke. He was a retired miller and chemical plant worker. Surviving are his wife, Lula, a son, Earl of St. Louis, two grandchildren, a brother, two sisters and two half-brothers. "


In 1890 A.F. Rosenberger contributed an article on trees for the Nebraska Horticultural Society.

1914 Ottawa, Kansas "A. F. Rosenberger, a traveling sales man from New York who was in Ottawa yesterday, spied the pictures of a niece of his on the bill boards at the Star Theater and forthwith related considerable of the history of the young actress who is, by the way, Miss Muriel Ostriche, a Thanhouser actress at the New Rochelle quarters. Miss Ostriche is but 15 years old and yet she is starring with the Thanhouser films and is a coming genius of the "movies." Mr. Rosenberger is mighty proud of his niece and carries numerous photographs of he and hears from her regularly."


In 1902 A.F. Rosenberger was in Nelson, British Columbia, and received a gift from a man who had working with him in COlorado.
The man had gotten into a shooting affair and was in the Colorado penitentiaryy.
This A. F. appears to have been a career mining man.

January 1911 "Mrs. Mary Rosenburger and Mrs. Nellie Himes, of Albian , Ind. sister and niece to Mrs. E. S. Klein, are visiting at the Klein home."

July 1911 "Mrs. Voight and Mrs. Hays, of Ardmore, So. Dak., were visiting Mrs. Rosenburger and Mrs. Hinees (sic) this week."

Yuma, April 12, 1912 "Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Himes, who have been here the past year, left last Friday for Albion, Illinois, where Mr. Himes goes to resume his old position with a large hardware firm. They were accompanied by Mrs. Himes' mother, Mrs. Rosenberger."

1919 Steamboat Springs "Mrs. A. Rosenberger, formerly Mrs. Guy Newlove, is in Steamboat, with her son, Charles Newlove. She is now a government teacher in an Indian school at Albuquerque, N. M."

If anyone knows more about the Yuma County Andrew Rosenberger, please let us know.

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