Wray, Yuma County, Colorado, Friday, September 6, 1907

Contributed by Debbie Champion, April 6, 2003


Hogs, $5.55.

Coal oil. 20 cents gal at BORLAND'S.

Michigan Bbl Salt, E. B. BORLAND.

Choice fresh fruits at BORLAND'S.

Pure Country Lard. WEBSTER & MASON

Largest Stock Groceries, E. B. BORLAND.

Drinking tanks, storage tanks - tanks of all kinds, at Carl's

Remember the Yuma Country Fair dates - September 12-13-14.

See the "One Minute Washer" at Hendries's. A child can operate it.

All kinds of implements at reduced prices for sale.


Pure, double refined Pennsylvania kerosene, 30 cents per gallon, at Amos Carl's.

If you want to see a fine line of Souvenir spoons call on Graham the Jeweler.

"A new car of Furniture" due to arrive in a few days at Hendrie's. Call and see it

Double refined kerosene, will not smoke. Economical, satisfying, can be purchased of Amos Carl at 30 cents the gallon.

Please remember that I can take your final proofs, make your homestead filings, and do all land work that you may require. When in doubt come and see me.


No Hunting.

I will not stand for grouse or chickens being shot on any of my three sections of land west of town, so keep off with your gun and dogs.

Geo. Hesse

Cash Grocery and Notion Store.

And Novelty Goods

Full Line of School Tablets will soon be here.

Poultry, Eggs and butter taken for Cash or Trade.

Special Attention Given to the Children.


Positively no hunting on Olive Creek ranch.



For stand privileges at the Yuma County Fair, September 12-13-14,
apply to O. L. MITTEN.

You furnish the girl and I can furnish your house with the finest of hardware and furniture.


For Sale:--Two three-year-old draft colts, unbroke.


Dr. and Mrs. Palmer went up to Brush Wednesday afternoon.

For Sale-Second-hand Columbia Graphaphone. Inquire at this office.


The J. E. Loy sale that was to have been held at Vernon the 3rd was postponed until the 10th - next Tuesday.

Prof. W. H. Olin of the Agricultural College, was in the city yesterday morning on his way to the Farmers' Institute in the Callaway grove near Vernon, which was held yesterday.

The district school in Wray is apparently as large as it was before the high school was detached, and the county high school exceeds in numbers the expectations of those most intimate with its prospects. In fact, every capacity for school service is taxed to its utmost limit.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klugh expect to leave within a few days on an extended visit in Nebraska.

School Supplies.

For all kinds of school supplies, go to Dr. Barr's store.

You will change your style of living after you have seen "Sandy Bottom" at Pickett's Hall September 12.-Evening of First Day of the Fair.

Presbyterian Church.

There will be preaching both morning and evening Sabbath, September 8, 1907. All are invited to these services.

Mr. Orlando Crittendon, wife and two children, were in the city last Sunday and Monday, the guests of C. E. Kellar and family. Mr. Crittendon is a railroad man at Indianapolis, Indiana, and is on a trip through the west for the purpose of investing in land, and had a letter of introduction to Mr. Kellar. He was very much taken with our farming section and wanted to buy it all, but said his purse wouldn't stand for so much. They left for Denver and the mountains Monday, but will return later, and see if they cannot find something that will suit them.

Yuma County Fair.

All that remains to make the Yuma County Fair the biggest success ever is for the farmers to see to it that each one has in a lot of stuff on exhibition, and make selections that will walk off with the premiums. Do it, farmers, and make this fair your fair, and the money offered in premiums you money. The men of Wray have expended dollar after dollar to advertise the county and thus have brought up to a great extent, the value of your land, and now it is up to you, Mr. Farmer, to do your part of the advertising by showing what this land will produce.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ferguson who had been visiting Mrs. Ferguson's parents at Aurora, Nebraska, the past month, returned home the first of the week, and Howard is again found at his post-or rather, the key-at the depot. He says he is not yet well of the hay fever, but that he feels much better than he did when he went away. He looks better, too.

J. T. Rightsell informs the Gazette that the creamery company is now paying twenty-two cents per pound for butter fat. This is considered a good price for this time of year.

Father time
Waits for none.

Now is the time to
Procure your School Books and School Supplies

Don't wait until Time has you by the foretop. Do it NOW!
Take Time by the whiskers.

I have a full and complete line of all the School Books recommended by the County Superintendent.

Druggist and Stationer.

For Rent:--An improved farm and ranch of 480 acres. Immediate possession if desired.

L.H. MORGAN, 401 Burlington Ave.,
Hastings, Nebr.

For Sale:--Complete second-hand threshing outfit. It will be a bargain to someone if taken right away.


If you break the lenses of your glasses, I can duplicate them no matter how complicated. Prices right-work guaranteed.

J.O. GRAHAM, Jeweler.

NOTICE:--All of my horse accounts have been left with the Yuma County Bank for settlement. Please meet the same when due. Oct. 1


The Humane collar. The collar that is endorsed for draft use by all humane orders. See them at C. F Hendrie's. These collars will cure the worst case of sore shoulders on a horse, and give perfect comfort while the animal is at work. Be sure and inspect them before buying.

Card of Thanks.

We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many kind friends who have so materially assisted us in so many ways during the long illness of Rollie Eastin, who was so badly hurt in a corn sheller last January. Rollie is now partially recovered and able to get about with the aid of crutches. Again we thank you.


W. T. FAIR, President
A. M. DORMAN, Secretary
R. M. CRENSHAW, Ass't Secretary
P. T. EDMUNDS, Treasurer

The Yuma County Real Estate Co.

Will Sell you a Farm.
Will Buy you a Farm.
Will Sell your Farm for You.
Will Conduct a Legitimate Real Estate Business.
Will Transact Business for Non-Residents.

References: Any Bank or Firm in Wray. Correspondence solicited.
Wray, Yuma County, Colorado.

New Blacksmith Shop

I have a new Blacksmith and Repair Shop one block west of the postoffice, and am prepared to handle all work in my line.

Horseshoing given careful attention

Feeling assured that I can give satisfaction, I solicit a share of your patronage. Come in and see me.


He Proved His Alibi.

The Sunday school superintendent was reviewing the lesson "Who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?" he asked. There was no answer.

Pointing to a little boy at the end of seat, he demanded a little crossly: "Little boy, who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?" The little boy was ready to cry as he piped out with a quavering voice: "Please, sir, it wasn't me. We just moved here last week. We're from Missoury."

Mrs. Frank T. Hawks and two smaller children arrived home from Alma, Nebraska, the first of the week, and the Fat Boy is again getting three square meals per day.

Queen Quality shoes for women--$3.00 to $3.50, at The Sisson Clothing Co.

Elder E. D. Bullard came down from Denver Tuesday evening to visit a few days and look after business matters.

Notice:--Hereafter all laundry must be in by Tuesday noon, as we ship west.


Uncle John and Mrs. J. H. Shumaker left Tuesday evening for Lincoln, Nebraska, where they went to attend the state fair a few days.

Mr. And Mrs. W. L. Willis, southeast of town, leave today for Denver and the mountains to take a couple of weeks outing away from the farm.

There is only one Dick Newson, in Arkansas, and he is at "Sandy Bottom." At Pickett's Hall the first evening of the Fair-September 12.

The Sisson Clothing Co. are showing a very swell line of Misses' and women's cloaks from $5.00 to $30.00. Every garment is new and of the latest design.

Miss Merle Pickett left with the Gazette Monday a generous supply of fine ripe tomatoes, the tomatoes being a sample of a crate full that Grandma Simpson had sent to Merle from her garden near Brighton.

The Missionary Society will hold their usual monthly meeting Thursday, September 12, at 2:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Hawks.

ALLIE ROBERTS, Recording Sec'y.

E. H. Vaughn and son, Ray, who were at Colorado Springs, and other mountain resort points for a few weeks, arrived home Monday evening. Ray says his pa cannot near keep up with him on mountain climbing.

Uncle Dan Jackson, wife and two boys, departed Tuesday evening for Friend, Nebraska, where they go to visit their daughter, Mrs. Clyde Owens, for a few days. They will also attend the state fair at Lincoln while absent.

Public Sale.

On Saturday, September 14, Mrs. Colver will sell her household goods and other articles at public auction sale to be held at the residence in North Wray and to begin at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

 H. E. Frizzell, southeast of town, was a pleasant caller on the Gazette while in the city Tuesday. This is Mr. Frizzell's first year in Yuma county but he expresses himself as being highly pleased with his crops this year, and likes it very much.

Opera House.

"Sandy Bottom," a fine clean cut dramatic conception with an abundance of heart interest, constructed with exquisite tact and written in a vigorous and graceful around a theme wholesome and elevating, will be presented at the Pickett Hall by the Guarantee Amusement Company, under management of Chas. H. Colson, One Night Only-September 12-Evening of the Fair.

Chamberlain's Cough Remedy One of the Best on the Market

For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and has an enormous sale. It is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases, such as coughs, colds and croup, and can always be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take and is undoubtedly the best in the market for the purposes for which it is intended. Sold by all druggists.

Simon S. Dow and the editor and wife had a delightful visit of a few moments over at No. 6, Tuesday evening, with Prof. H. R. Esterbrook and wife of Hedding College, Abingdon, Illinois. Prof. and wife had been spending a month in the mountains, and were on their way home to resume their school work. Prof. Esterbrook is master of science in the Hedding college while his wife is principal of the conservatory of music. At one time he was over the science department of a college in Nebraska of which Mr. Dow as a student, and in which town the editor was proprietor of a newspaper. It had been years since any of the parties had met, and to say the few moments were spent enjoyably would be expressing it mildly.

Bob Walkup, from whom his wife, Mrs. Belle Walkup, was granted a divorce some weeks ago, has been highly incensed at the family of his wife ever since that time, and last Sunday evening engaged in a fistic encounter with Mrs. Walkup's brother, Fred Weaver. The fight had not progressed far when the marshal separated them, and threw Walkup in the cooler. It is said that serious charges will be preferred against Walkup now, that he has repeatedly declared that he will kill some members of this family, the attorney who prosecuted the divorce case, and the editor of this paper for having given the news of the trial. He was brought up for trial Tuesday forenoon, and fined $35 and costs, and failing to pay his fine, he was reprimanded to jail.

Particular ladies will inspect the Sisson Clothing Co's. new Fall Skirts, Blues, Blacks, Tans and Plaids. Also Voilis.

Arch Miller, who had been up at Boulder for several days visiting his parents, Uncle Joe Miller and wife, returned home last Friday. Arch says Uncle Joe has been very poorly of late, but that he left him somewhat improved.


A full stock on hand. No need of ordering from sample and waiting. Come in and make your selection and have it cut to fit your room.


A.S. Muir of Tamora, Nebraska, is in the city the guest of Charley Kellar and family. Mr. Muir is the owner of a fine farm south of town, and comes out here occasionally to keep pace with its development and advance in price. Mr. Muir is a big-hearted, fat, big man, and his many friends here are always pleased to meet him.


Our full showing of Ladies Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Wrappers, etc. is ready for inspection. Dry Goods notions in great variety at the store of

65 miles South of Wray, Colo.

One deeded quarter, relinquishment on a quarter, lease on two school sections, excellent ranch buildings in first-class condition, an abundance of wild hay to cut near ranch. Will sell with or without stock. For full particulars, write,
Cope, Colorado


When in need of transfer work call on the
Green Wagon
Best of care given all goods entrusted to me. Call me up

Phone 97


Protect Your family
Your Property From Lightning

I will equip your buildings with the best soft copper cable lightning conductors at about on-half the price usually asked.
See me if you are not protected from lightning.
O. E. GRAHAM, Wray, Colo.
Phone 9 on Line 120

Successor to Lynam & Houch

Spiral Augers Made
Horse Shoeing a Specialty,
Your Patronage Solicited.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Phone 126

Managers of Western Roads Concede Raise of One Cent per Hour

Affects 2500 Laboring Men and Involved a Trackage of over 55,000 Miles

Summary of Conditions
Terms of settlement:

Managers concede raise of 1 cent per hour beginning September 1st to all switchmen in and west of Denver.

Switchmen concede arbitration of additional 1 cent per hour asked at the Chicago conference.

Managers concede blanket raise instead of raise in different localities.

Arbitrator, a man of national prominence and wide experience, satisfactory to both sides.

P. H. Morrissey, grand master of Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, to present switchmen's side of controversy to arbitrator.

Mileage of roads involved 55, 000 miles. Number of men affected by raise, 2,500.

Our Motto: "The Square Deal."

C. A. PATTON, Proprietor


Dealer in the best of Fresh and Cured Meats, Home-Made Bologna and Sausage -always on hand

Don't fail to see us when you have butcher "stuff" to sell. We also pay the highest cash price for Hides, Furs, and Tallow, at all times.

Painting, Paper Hanging and Interior or Exterior Decorating.

All work Guaranteed.

I will hang your paper, so why not let me sell you your paper.

Sign work a specialty.
Prices Guaranteed to Be Right.

G. H. Renzleman,

Phone 66
Wray, Colorado

Physician & Surgeon.

All calls promptly answered.

Vernon, Colorado


From my ranch west of Vernon, one bay mare, weight about 900 pounds, branded (brand shown) running m; also one yearling mule Unbranded. Any information leading to their recovery will be cheerfully rewarded. Notify W. H. Blair, Vernon, Colorado, or the Gazette, Wray.

We have now caught up
With our spring contracts for brick and are now ready to serve all comers with Brick or Cement Blocks at all times.

Yours for business,
The Wray Brick and Cement Yards,
M. D. Funk, Proprietor.

Views and Portraits
Pianos and Organs.

You can get the best kind of pictures at
Even cheaper than in the larger cities. Also the following pianos on easy payment:
Chickering & Sons, Price & Temple, Ivers & Pond, Emerson, Crown, Cramer, Rembrandt and Estey Or Crown Organs.


Resident Dentist.

Office with Dr. McGILL
Wray, Colorado


Will Practice in All Courts.

Office: Postoffice Block.

Phones: Office 47     Residence 130

Wray, Colo.


Physician & Surgeon

Office: Pickett Block

Phones: Office 65
        Residence 42

Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.
        2 to 5 p.m.

Wray, Colorado

County Clerk Crenshaw is enjoying a visit from two of his nephews from Missouri.

It is announced that the hay fever season will officially end September 15th.

Miss Nellie Smith of Seward, Nebraska, arrived the first of the week and will superintend the trimming in the millinery department of the Wm. Pyle store this fall and winter.

W. M. Bain southwest of town, was in the city Monday, and called on the Gazette to place himself square for a year's reading of the best paper in the county. Mr. Bain informed us that he had missed many genuine bargains that he would like to have taken advantage of by not being a reader of this paper before. There are still a few others who are missing the same rare opportunity.

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