The Wray Gazette

Special Edition, May 12, 1904, Wray, Colorado

(Articles 51 - 65)

Transcribed by Lee Zion <>, October 2001.

W.J. Kennedy

Conducts a Growing and Prosperous Furniture Business

     The above gentleman, who is a native of Pennsylvania, is a progressive factor in the advancement of Wray.

     Mr. Kennedy, who had taught school for several years in the southern part of the county, came to Wray nearly four years ago and engaged in the restaurant business. He achieved marked success and last year erected a handsome brick business building near the corner of Chief and Kiowa streets which he occupied last January. His business kept increasing, but in order to relieve Mrs. Kennedy of so much arduous care over the culinary department, a few weeks ago Mr. Kennedy abandoned the restaurant business and started a second hand store, with furniture and other household effects as his chief lines. In his new departure the gentleman is meeting with success, as he enjoys public confidence to a marked degree. Those who have superfluous furniture for sale know that Mr. Kennedy will pay them the highest prices possible, and he sells on very close margins. If you want to buy furniture that is practically, as good as new, you will save considerable money by calling on Mr. Kennedy, and he will treat you right in every respect.

     In 1888 Mr. Kennedy married Miss Rozella Royce, a brilliant and accomplished Nebraska lady, and the union has been blessed by an interesting daughter. Since they came to Yuma county Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy have displayed such admirable characteristics as kind hearted neighbors and exemplary citizens that they have won the cordial esteem of all who know them. In promoting the material and moral welfare of the community they are earnest, active factors and are especially prominent in good works. Mr. Kennedy is a zealous and popular member of the Knights of Pythias and Court of Honor.

The County Commissioners

Three Gentlemen Who are Making a Most Wonderfully Creditable Record

(3 Photos - Commissioner H.J. Wells, Chairman; Commissioner J.A. Conley; Commissioner John S. Gardner)

     Yuma county has been exceedingly fortunate in being served by faithful officials, and its present commissioners, especially, merit the commendation of the taxpayers. The commissioners are Henry J. Wells, John S. Gardner and John A. Conley, the former gentleman being the chairman of the board. While the entire official records of the members of the board are clean and display marked ability, the erection of the court house, alone ought to inspire a feeling of deep gratitude in the hearts of the taxpayers. Elsewhere in this special edition we describe the fine building and its attractive interior, and how they erected such an imposing structure for $12,000, including the lots, seems a deep mystery, considered from the standard of cost which governs the erection of the ordinary court houses. The writer has seen more inferior court houses that cost $20,000. The Yuma county commissioners employed no architect but superintended the construction of the building themselves, exercising the most rigid economy justified by prudence, and they may well feel proud of what they accomplished.

     The gentlemen bring no sectional feeling into their deliberations, and each of them displays an earnest desire to promote the interests of every section of the county faithfully and well.


County Attorney

     In Jo A. Fowler, of Denver, the county has an excellent attorney. He has been county attorney since 1893 and he has displayed high legal ability, as well as integrity and fidelity to the best interests of the county. As legal advisor to the board, his opinions have been sound and his judgment regarding county matters excellent. The commissioners place the most implicit confidence in Mr. Fowler and the gentleman is exceedingly popular in this county.

A Newspaper
Among the Best
in the
Central West.
The Wray Gazette
The Paper That's Different
Covers the County
in Particular,

and the State
in General
With a Splendid

News Service

(3 Photos - J.W. Cloyd, Editor and Publisher; C.E. Cunningham, Asso. Editor; Oscar Pierson, Compositor)

     Perhaps no county paper has ever been established that has met with such a hearty, spontaneous reception and warm continued support as did The Wray Gazette, which was established on March 6, 1903.

     From its inception to the present time The Gazette has enjoyed a steady growth in circulation and influence, as well as continued increase in advertising patronage, until now it ranks, in popularity and prosperity, with papers in cities four and five times the population of Wray. In traveling over Yuma county, it is seldom a home is found in which The Gazette is not a weekly and welcomed visitor, and nearly every business man of the town is a patron of its columns, recognizing its superior worth as an advertising medium.

     Aside from a most generous reading clientele at home, which of itself is the envy of more pretentious papers, its outside circulation is phenomenal, there being but few states in the union in which from one to twenty copies are not sent each week.

     The Gazette maintains a staff of ten able correspondents at inland districts of the county, outside of its own capable force that covers the town of Wray. This insures to readers all the local happenings in the most remote portions of the county, fresh each week, and its telegraph and telephone service covers the entire state up to the day before going to press. This makes it an ideal county paper for the general reader.

     The paper is also equipped with all the latest appliances for doing modern, down-to-the-second job work. That this department of the paper is appreciated is evinced by the fact that its patronage is considerably larger than that of the average country office, and a source of gratification to the proprietor, J.W. Cloyd. When Mr. Cloyd, who is a retired merchant of Wray, and a pioneer citizen of the county, conceived the idea of establishing a paper, he decided to equip the office with strictly first-class material and machinery, and to issue a paper that would, as far as possible, cover the entire field of news, giving the same in an unbiased and unprejudiced manner, and that he succeeded admirably is shown by the fact that he brought the paper up to his ideal.

     As regards the machinery of The Gazette, it is all operated by gasoline power, giving satisfactory results. This illustrated edition is the product of its presses.

     While it is a superior paper of itself, yet, the price of subscription is very low - within the reach of all - only $1.00 per year.

     We also have clubbing arrangements with all the leading publications and can, in nearly every instance, save you money when the same is taken in connection with our paper. Write us about it.

Charles D. Shields

Natural Conditions Render it an Exceedingly Valuable Property

     One of the Yuma county ranches that present most favorable natural conditions for carrying on the cattle industry profitably, is that owned by the above named gentleman, on the Arickaree river, thirty miles southwest of Wray. Although but a young man, the gentleman vies with men of mature years in the ability with which he conducts the cattle business and the financial results achieved.

     Mr. Shields is a native of Kiowa county, where he was born twenty-six years ago. He spent his boyhood days on a ranch and, as a result, obtained a thorough knowledge of the cattle business in all its phases. In his boyhood days he moved with his parents to that portion of Arapahoe county which is now a part of Yuma, where they continued in the same business.

     On the death of his father a few years ago, Mr. Shields became heir to 320 acres of land and he bought 320 acres more adjoining, making a ranch of 640 acres. The ranch is largely composed of valley land, with the Arickaree river running through it. It is peculiarly adapted to the stock industry, as, in addition to the abundance of water at all seasons, cattle obtain complete shelter from the storms of winter under the bluffs and in the deep ravines that line the river valley on either side. In this respect it is an ideal ranch of exceptional value. On the ranch are a comfortable home 26x30 feet in size, a good stable and all requisite sheds and other buildings.

     Mr. Shields cultivates 100 acres, on which he grows profitable crops of corn, cane and spring rye for feeding purposes. He owns twenty horses and over 300 fine cattle, although he made several large shipments to the Eastern markets last fall. For winter feed for his stock he generally grows 100 tons of feed, in addition to corn.

     Besides his section of deeded land, Mr. Shields has the benefit of a vast area of free range for his stock, embracing many thousands of acres of fine pasture.

     In 1899 Mr. Shields married Miss Lizzie Riedesel and they have one child as a result of the happy union.

     Mr. Shields is a young man of great energy and industry, whose good qualities as a kind neighbor and useful citizen have rendered him very popular in the community.

Fritz Soehner

     The above gentleman, who is a native of Germany, is one of the successful ranchmen of Yuma county. He came to America in 1881 and located on a ranch in Nebraska. After three years he went back to Germany and married. In about three months he and his wife returned to Nebraska where they remained until 1893, when they moved to Colorado and located on a ranch twenty-four miles southeast of Wray. Mr. Soehner owns 320 acres of excellent land and he makes general farming as well as the cattle business a great success. He raises good crops and owns ten horses, fifty cattle and a large herd of hogs, from all of which he obtains generous financial returns. The gentleman has a comfortable residence and good barns, sheds, etc., his ranch presenting every indication of the prosperity he has achieved. He is quite popular with all who know him because of his good qualities as an obliging neighbor and progressive citizen.

The Smith Hotel

An Interesting Home in Which the Comforts of Life are Found.

     What the Brown Palace is to Denver the Smith Hotel is to Wray - the leading house in the city. While it was opened for business only last September, it has already attained a popularity among the traveling public which it generally takes many years to acquire.

     J.W. Smith, the genial and whole-souled proprietor, has had many years' experience as a successful hotel man and he is exceedingly popular with commercial men and others who have enjoyed his tender care. Under the admirable management of the Smith Hotel, an air of cleanliness and comfort which is very pleasing to weary travelers or pleasure-seekers pervades the house, and the cordial, hospitable welcome received inspires the restfulness that is clustered around the genuine home. The culinary department and dining room are under the personal supervision of Mrs. Smith, and the tables are furnished with the substantials of life, as well as the delicacies of the season, prepared so deliciously and served so invitingly as to tempt the appetite of an epicure.

     The bedrooms are kept scrupulously clean and neat, and in them weary pilgrims never fail to obtain that peaceful and refreshing rest which weary humanity covets. The house is a new one and its popularity is attested by the fact that its capacity for guests is taxed to the utmost almost continuously.

     Mr. Smith, the prince of good fellows who edits the hotel, is a native of Illinois, where he was born bare-footed many years ago, but he still retains a buoyant activity that would do credit to a thoroughbred maverick on a Colorado range. Commercial men maintain that he was designed for the ministry in his young and innocent days, but we think this is a base calumny inspired by the fact that the gentleman has done so much towards reforming and evangelizing the knights of the grip. For twenty-three years Mr. Smith lived in Benkelman, Neb., where he was engaged in the hotel and other profitable business.

     In 1888 the gentleman married Miss Harriet A. McMurry, an estimable lady whose pleasing personality and admirable qualities of mind and heart have won such pronounced popularity in social circles. They have one child, Miss Jessie B. Smith, a charming young lady who is in her fifteenth year. She is now finishing her education and her refined instincts and careful training give every promise of a brilliant and noble womanhood.

(3 Ads on this page)

Payne Bros. & Vogel
---- Dealers In ----
Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes,
Clothing and Notions.
Idalia, . . . . . Colorado
The Highest Prices Paid for Farmers' Produce.
We Sell Goods at the Lowest Prices Possible
and you will find Our Goods Just as Represented.
Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited

This Space Belongs to
W.E. Wofle & Co.,
Dealers in
General Merchandise,
Wray, Colorado

Barber Shop
F.J. Nutter, Prop.,
An Easy Shave and Stylish Haircut is Assured
Yuma, . . . . . . . . Colorado

The Dairy Interests

Destined to Become an Important Factor in the County's Prosperity.

Magnificent Free Ranges Where the Most Nutritious Grasses Grow Luxuriantly.

(Drawing - A Cream Separator)

     The dairy interests of Yuma county, which are yet in their infancy, are destined at no distant date to become one of the most profitable features of the county's progress. In the early history of the county, when raising cattle for the eastern markets was so profitable, the dairy received but little if any attention, only in so far as to supply the family needs of the stock men with the milk and butter required for domestic purposes. Of late, however, especially since the marked decrease in the market value of cattle, the possibilities presented by the dairy have commanded much attention and deep thought. It has been demonstrated by other counties in the state that the buffalo and other native grasses, which grow so luxuriantly in Yuma county, are exceedingly rich in butter producing qualities, and the ranch butter of Colorado is famous among western products, commanding almost as high a price in the local markets as the eastern creamery article. An investigation of the results obtained in Phillips and other counties where dairying has been conducted for years proves it to be a very profitable feature of farm life. The farmers use separators to obtain the cram from the milk, selling the former at a profitable price and feeding the latter to their calves and pigs. The creamery stations at which the cream is delivered two or three times each week, owing to the season of the year, pay for the cream received once each month, and the revenue derived by the farmers from this source alone, not only nets them handsome profits on the labor and capital invested, but furnishes them ready money for current expenses every month in the year. The experience of men who have been engaged in the dairy business in Colorado for many years shows that one cow properly cared for will produce an average of $3 to $4 worth of cream each month during the entire year, and that a herd of ten cows grazing on the rich buffalo grass of eastern Colorado in the summer, with extra feed during the fall and winter, will yield $30 per month during the entire year. Remember, too, that this revenue does not include the value of the skim milk which the farmer feeds to his calves and pigs.

     It is the testimony of those who have been engaged in the dairy business and selling the cream, that it does not interfere but very little with the farming operations, as nearly all the labor is embraced in milking the cows. Separating the cream from the milk involves but little time or labor, and the separator obtains one-third more cream from the milk than could be procured in the old way. It eliminates the churning, worry and work of old methods, and the financial returns are much more satisfactory. Especially at this time when the market for cattle is so very unsatisfactory, it would seem that the rich grazing resources of Yuma county should be developed on the most productive basis. When you sell a steer on the Kansas City market you may receive, perhaps, $25 and your animal has vanished from you possession; but when you utilize a milch cow you sell $36 worth of cream in a year and still own the cow. Which is the more profitable seems easy of solution.

     Last June the Beatrice Creamery Co. established a cream receiving station at Wray and in December a second one at Laird. O.L. Mitten has chare of the company's creamery interests in this county, and it is his intention to establish a third cream station at Eckley at an early date. From the encouragement already bestowed upon the new departure, Mr. Mitten expects to pay not less than $20,000 for cream in Yuma county during the current year. In some seasons of the year, full New York prices are paid for the cream, and in no month will the price be lower than four cents less than the New York market, which assures a profitable price for Yuma county cream.

     It is significant that a large percentage of the new comers from the East - men who thoroughly understand how profitable the dairy industry can be made - are outspoken in their appreciation of the superior dairy opportunities presented by Yuma county and are making milch cows a prominent feature of their farming operations.

     The compiler of this special edition has investigated the dairy interests in other Colorado counties and he feels confident that Yuma county presents profitable dairy conditions that surpass those found in any other part of the state. When more of the vast areas of rich grazing lands in Yuma county is devoted to the creamery industry, it will add materially to the wealth and progress of this favored portion of Colorado.

     To the eastern farmer who understands the diary industry and its benefits, Yuma county presents a magnificent field for engaging in this occupation extensively and successfully. With the cheap, productive lands of this county and its rich grazing ranges it presents easy possibilities of acquiring in a few years a handsome competence that would require a life-time to obtain on the high-priced lands of the East.

(Half-page ad)

____ CLOTHING ____
Hats and Caps, Men's Shoes
Cowboy Boots, Fish Brand Slickers,
The Monarch $1.00 Shirt
"Kazoo" Pants & Corduroys,
Every pair guaranteed not to rip,
Duck and Leather Coats
Underwear and Hosiery,
Overalls, Work Clothes,
Trunks, Telescopes and Dress Cases.
Clothing for the Men of Yuma County . . .
Have you heard about us? Are you acquainted with us?
Perhaps not, as we are only a little over a year old.
But we want you to come and see us.
We can save you money on what you wear.
Having spent eighteen years in Colorado we know the
needs of the Western man far better than any Eastern merchant.
Low Prices, But High Quality,
is our only Motto.
Your Money Back if Goods are not Entirely Satisfactory.
We carry a complete line of Clothing and Furnishing to
fit the two-year-old boy or largest man.
- Suits for the Large Man - Small Man - Fat Man
   - Slim Man - We can fit YOU!
We want to sell you your Clothing and your neighbor his Clothing.
Remember we are the only Exclusive Clothing House in Eastern Colorado.
F.M. Sisson & Son, Wray, Colorado

Joseph A. Miller

The Postmaster and Pioneer Merchant of Village of Vernon.

(Photo - Residence of Joseph A. Miller, Vernon)

     The above gentleman, who is so well and favorably known, came to Yuma county at an early day and contributed in no small degree towards the progress of the community.

     Mr. Miller is a native of Pennsylvania, where he was born in 1840 and grew to manhood on a farm. On August 2, 1862, he enlisted in the Union army and had won the rank of Corporal when discharged in August, 1863. In September, 1864, he enlisted a second time and served until the end of the war. He had won the rank of quartermaster sergeant when mustered out of the army, after taking part in the grand review at Washington, in June 1865. In the following month the gentleman married Miss Emma Whitenack and the young couple moved to Iowa to face the stern realities of life. Mr. Miller engaged in farming in the Hawkeye State, but after four years he moved to Nebraska. He farmed in Nebraska until 1889, when, owing to the impaired health of his wife, he decided to try the more health-giving climate of Colorado. He located in that part of Yuma county which was then a portion of Arapahoe, and filed on pre-emption and tree claims about twelve miles south-west of Wray, near the present village of Vernon. He engaged in farming and stock-raising, in both of which industries he was very successful, obtaining rich returns for his labor. In 1892 the town of Vernon was founded and in the following year Mr. Miller was appointed postmaster of the new post office. At the same time he established a general store in Vernon, constituting himself the pioneer merchant. He is still postmaster and it would be hard to find one who gives more general satisfaction. A few months ago he sold his ranch and now he and one of his sons devote their entire attention to the post office and the growing mercantile business.

     Mr. Miller has taken an active, intelligent part in public affairs, and for many years he served as justice of the peace, school director and notary public. Of course, he is an enthusiastic member of the G.A.R. and is adjutant of the Vernon post. While the gentleman has been exceedingly prosperous in Yuma county, what is of much more importance is the fact that the climate has fully restored his wife to health and strength.

     Mr. and Mrs. Miller had ten children, eight of whom survive. The popular couple own a very attractive home in the village of Vernon, where they are passing the evening of life surrounded by every comfort and enjoying the genuine regards of all who have the pleasure of their acquaintance. As a gallant soldier, a kind neighbor and a useful citizen Mr. Miller has well earned that generous share of the prosperity and happiness of life in which he is basking.

Chester B. Hoppin

Has Made a Success of the Farming and Stock Raising Industries.

     Chester B. Hoppin is a native of Illinois, where he was born in April 1867. He was educated in that state and farmed one year when he went to Maryville, Mo., where he remained two years. In 1886 the young man decided to come to the West, where he hoped to find more favorable conditions for people in moderate circumstances than the East presented. He located in Yuma county, first filing on a pre-emption claim of 160 acres on the Black Wolf Creek. Subsequently, when he became of age, he filed on a homestead of 160 acres, situated nearly eight miles south-west of Wray, composed of very fertile soil. He engaged in general farming and stock raising with an untiring energy and industry met with a generous recompense. He not only made extensive improvements on his homestead, but he bought additional land, making his entire deeded holdings 400 acres. He cultivates 100 acres of his deeded land and 160 acres of leased land and he grows large crops of wheat, corn and cane. He has harvested 1,500 bushels of wheat and an equal quantity of corn in one year, besides a heavy crop of cane. The gentleman thoroughly understands the farming business and his diligent efforts have accomplished splendid results. In the stock industry he has been equally successful and at present he owns ten horses and herd of twenty cattle. That portion of Mr. Hoppin's ranch that is situated on the Black Wolf Creek is exceedingly favorable for the stock business. There is an abundance of water and good grazing while the high bluffs and ravines on either side of the stream constitute a perfect shelter for stock during stormy weather. In fact, it presents an ideal location for the business and is a very valuable property on that account.

     Mr. Hoppin owns a comfortable home, good outbuildings for grain and stock, and he is well supplied with agricultural implements of all kinds.

     Mr. Hoppin is still a bachelor and his venerable mother presides over his home, the object of her dutiful son's tender devotion. Mr. Hoppin is greatly esteemed in Yuma county because of his excellent qualities as an honorable gentleman and useful citizen.

(Four ads on this page)

Emigrant Barn
Lou C. Blust, Proprietor
Handsome turnouts, Reliable teams and careful drivers.
Our rates are reasonable. Special attention given to
care of farmer's teams. Having purchased the above
barn and rolling stock a share of your patronage solicited.
Satisfaction guaranteed and courteous treatment assured.

Wray, . . . . . . . Colorado

C.T. Grant
East Side of Chief Street,
Wray, Colorado
Dealer in the Best . . .
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
on the market.

Valley Livery, Feed and Sale, Stable
R.F. Aten, Proprietor
Teams and Single - Drivers
Are our specialties; Our rates are very reasonable.
Special attention given to feeding farmer's teams.
Horses boarded at reasonable rates.
 Give us a trial.
Wray, Colorado

Wm. Pyle
- Dealer in -
General Merchandise,
Wray, Colo.
A Large Stock and Good Values Assured

Clarke Moore

Another Ranchman Who is Winning Affluence in Yuma County

     The advantages presented by Yuma county in favor of a poor man seeking a home where he can soon enjoy the comforts and even luxuries of life as a reward for honest toil and earnest endeavor, are illustrated by the career of Clark Moore, one of the most prosperous ranchmen in this section of the state.

     Mr. Moore is a native of Illinois, where he was born in 1858. When five years of age he moved with his parents to Johnson county, Kansas, and there he spent his boyhood days on a farm. When he grew to manhood he engaged in agricultural pursuits for himself and farmed in that part of the state for several years. In 1886, however, he came to Colorado and located on a homestead nine miles south-east of Wray. He was in very moderate circumstances at that time, his chief assets being a spirit of industry and persevering energy. He engaged in general farming and cattle, his labor yielding rich returns from the beginning. Like other early settlers, Mr. Moore experienced trying discouragements in 1893 and 1894, when an almost complete failure of crops and the demoralization of all branches of industry by the panic made the conditions hard to bear. While scores of others left the county, he was not dismayed, and time has shown how well founded was his abiding faith in Yuma county. From time to time, as opportunity presented, the gentleman bought more land, and his original homestead has expanded until he now owns 760 acres of choice land for farming and range purposes. In addition to this deeded land he controls 1,000 acres of desirable grazing land adjacent, and he expects to buy 440 acres more at an early date. He cultivates 320 acres, on which he grows profitable crops of wheat, corn, barley and oats, besides about 150 tons of cane and millet for feed for his cattle annually. While he has wintered as high as 150 cattle, this year he has seventy-five animals besides twenty horses and a herd of hogs.

     Mr. Moore's ranch is most favorably adapted for the cattle industry. The Dry Willow creek is situated on his land, and the high bluffs and ravines which constitute either side of the stream, form excellent protection for stock during stormy weather. On his farm he pumps an abundance of water from an inexhaustible well by windmill power.

     Mr. Moore's ranch is only a little more than three miles from the newly discovered coal and oil fields of the county and indications on the bluffs of the Dry Willow give strong indications of the presence of coal and oil on his own land. Should the tests now being made in the coal and oil field meet expectations, the gentleman's ranch will be come an exceedingly valuable property.

     Mr. Moore is a genial, high-toned gentleman, who bears a flattering reputation for sterling integrity. Because of his admirable qualities as a kind neighbor and useful citizen, he is held in the highest esteem by all who know him. In public matters he is ever ready to contribute a generous share of his time and means to aid in promoting the material and moral welfare of the county. And, wonderful to relate, this gentleman who is so richly endowed with the attributes of a desirable benedict, is yet a bachelor, heart whole and fancy free. How he escaped is a marvel, but girls, this is leap-year and -- well his address is Wray, Colorado.

William N. Walsh

A Pioneer Who Came to the West Nearly Forty Years Ago.

     There are few men, if any, in Yuma county who saw as much of pioneer life and the exciting events of early days, as William N. Walsh, who is now a prosperous ranchman eighteen miles south of Wray.

     Mr. Walsh is a native of Providence, R.I., where he was born fifty-four years ago. In 1865 he came west, stopping at St. Louis for a time and then extending his journey to Leavenworth, Kan. He engaged in any work he could get to do in those stirring pioneer days, and for several years he spent his time in northern Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Nebraska, varied by an occasional trip to St. Louis. During these years he became well acquainted with Buffalo Bill, who was then a government scout. In 1872 Mr. Walsh came to Colorado with a view of making it his future home, but the prospect was not an inviting one. The population of this section at that time was composed, chiefly, of buffaloes, Indians and coyotes, and the noble red man gave Mr. Walsh many a run for his life, and the fact he retained his scalp lock may be attributed to his activity and shrewdness. He had several close calls, however. At that time the nearest trading post was Fort Wallace, 100 miles south, the trail being infested by roving bands of blood-thirsty Indians. It was such intrepid pioneers as Mr. Walsh who constituted the avaunt couriers of civilization, but it was many years before even he could find it prudent to attempt agricultural pursuits under such hostile conditions. In 1886, however, Mr. Walsh entered a homestead of 160 acres, between the Arickaree river and Black Wolf creek, which he still occupies. He has 240 acres of leased land besides his homestead. He is engaged in the cattle business and cultivates only enough land to supply feed for his stock. He owns several horses and over 200 cattle, having shipped several car loads of cattle to market last fall. Mr. Walsh is a genial gentleman on whom prosperity is smiling and he numbers his friends in the hundreds.

(Four ads on this page)

W.K. Fisk
Dealer in
General Merchandise
Wray, Colorado
A WELL Assorted Stock and the Best Values in the City.
Customers Receive Courteous and Honorable Treatment.

City Meat Market
H.J. Cox, Proprietor.
Fresh and Salt Meats of all Kinds.
Your Trade Solicited.
Poultry bought at Highest Market Price.
Phone 52 West Side, Wray, Colorado

A.F. Grier
Dealer in
Lumber and Coal,
Wray, Colorado
Building Material of all Kinds.
Fence Posts and Fence Wire . . .

Blacksmith and Machine Shop
All kinds of machinery repaired.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Lynams & Houck.

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