Portland Colorado

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The election notice and subsequent incorporation of the Town of Portland Colorado.

Page 1 is 25" long and serves as an election notice for the incorporation of the town. It states that the election will be held at the school house at Portland on March 13, 1886. It is signed by the four commissioners of incorporation and also signed by Ouray County Judge W H Lyman and endorsed with a court seal.

Page 2 is 39" long and includes a list of the 58 "married" electors who voted in the election and also includes sworn statements by the election judges and clerks. The remaining three pages are 11" long and include a list of questions asked voters; the official, signed talley list of the election. Thirty one voted for incorporation; tweny seven voted against it. The last page is a signature page for incorporation by the election judges.

This information was kindly donated by David Koch.

1 W.D. Hawy/Havey
2 J.W. Overman
3 W.A. Gipson
4. A.W. Pickering
5. W.T. Overman
6 Simon Oliver
7 T.A. Gober
8 John Hogan (Sworn)
9 J.L. Wheeler
10 A.K. Jackson
11 W.B. Fielund
12 M.D. Pickering
13 G.P. Wood
14. L. Townsend
15. Roswell A. Hotchkiss/Hotchkins
16 J.L. Silvers
17 Edward Brinckmann
18 John Weaver
19 Calvin M. Strayer
20 L.S. Wheeler
21 J.O. Gorman
22. S.A. Hillis
23. F.M.Virden/Virdes
24. James B. Chambers?
25. R.W. Moffat
26. W.H. Strout/Stout
27. Chas H. Warren
28. W.P. Parmenter
29. Preston Hotchkiss (Sworn)
30. J.L. Wilson
31. L.B. Clements
32. W.H. Walker
33. Thomas Oneal
34 Albert Belgrove
35 W.W. Johnson
36 R.D. Blumberg (Sworn)
37. G.F. Jocknick
38. William J. Breeden
39. Cut off - can't read
40. Cut off - can't read
41. A.D./B. ??
42. Robert Portens
43. T.H. Bellmyer
44. D.J. Gaines
45. James Ho???
46. Cut off - can't read
47. T.H. Foreman
48. Benj Rosiag
49. A.T. Goln/Golrs
50. G.B. Gregory
51. J.P. Steel
52. W.H. Jones
53. George Baug? (can't read the rest)
54. Alexander Young
55. Thomas Virden
56. Alex Lay
57. Alexander Kelley (Sworn)
58. Blair Hicks (Sworn)
Election Judges  
  A.W. Pickering
  J. W. Overman
  L.S. Wheeler
  W.A. Aifman/Aifmon
  Simon Oliver

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